Core values

Providing Trusted Legal Representation


Dedication is defined as the willingness to give a lot of time and energy. In the context of the legal profession, being a good steward requires a pledge of dedication and competence in the pursuit of fundamental fairness. No lawyer will master every aspect of law but every lawyer is required to perform due diligence. Sometimes, this unselfish act requires a person to stretch beyond their perceived abilities in order to fulfill a goal. I’m familiar with this concept. As a young lawyer, I frequently researched legal issues and or interviewed clients at the detention center well after midnight. Although this level of work ethic was taxing, I made a promise to be a zealous advocate of the law. Moreover, as a Pro tem judge, I’m dedicated to upholding the rule of law and making sure that citizens are respected throughout every stage of the legal process. This level of dedication is not only applied to the practice of law but also to my various community initiatives. While working with organizations like Citizens Advocacy, All Walks of Life, Deep Center, AGES and Georgia Appleseed, I learned that Chatham County citizens appreciate leaders who roll up their sleeves and work with the community. Regardless of how challenging the task, it is important to remain dedicated. The greatest accomplishments of our society have come as a result of work performed by dedicated people. As Chatham County’s next Superior Court Judge, I look forward to bringing my experience, integrity and dedication as a complement to an already existing team of impressive legal scholars.


As a judge following the rule of law, it is important to have a combination of different backgrounds and experiences. These various experiences allow judges to take an independent approach to each case with a focus on maintaining integrity and impartiality. Judicial experience is not prerequisite for the role of judge but it provides greater knowledge of legal procedure, refines judicial temperament, and provides practical experience in presiding over hearings. In 2018, I was appointed to the position of pro tem judge in the Chatham County Juvenile Court and Recorder’s Court. Since that time, I have gained valuable experience that aided in my ability to listen to both sides and follow the rule of law. Aside from judicial experience, distinguished litigation experience in Superior Court is also important. With over 15 years of legal experience, I resolved thousands of legal matters to include civil, criminal, and appellate cases. My experience advocating for constitutional rights, researching legal matters and communicating with respect to colleagues and clients have prepared me to be Chatham County’s next Superior Court Judge.


Integrity is seen as a constituent for the legitimacy of judicial authority and a precondition for sound legal decision-making. In this regard, judges are key figures in maintaining integrity and professionalism within the legal field. This is accomplished by holding individuals to a high standard of conduct so that the integrity of the judiciary, the legal profession, and the public trust will be preserved. For that reason, it is extremely important to have judges who are fair, impartial, and have integrity; but most importantly have the ability and patience to listen to all legal parties. Throughout my legal career, I have always conducted myself as a professional. When I first began the practice of law, I was told a lawyer should follow 3 rules; be on time, be courteous and never compromise your integrity. I continue to follow these rules today. As a result, I was honored with the Justice Benham Award by the Chief Justice’s Commission on Professionalism. The primary focus of the Chief Justice’s Commission on Professionalism is to support and encourage lawyers to exercise the highest levels of professional integrity.